
The GroupDocs.Editor namespace provides classes for editing documents using 3rd party front-end WYSIWYG editors without any additional applications.


Class Description
EditableDocument Intermediate document, that contains content before and after editing
Editor Main class, which encapsulates conversion methods. Editor class provides methods for loading, editing, and saving documents of all supportable formats. It is disposable, so use a ‘using’ directive or dispose its resources manually via ‘Dispose()’ method call. Document loading is performed through constructors. Document editing - through method ‘Edit’, and saving back to the resultant document after edit - through method ‘Save’.
EncryptedException The exception that is thrown when user tries to open a document that was encrypted using the X509Certificates.
FormFieldManager Manage a Form with Legacy Form Fields. Legacy form fields are the field types that were available in earlier versions of Word processing. The Legacy Forms group (visible after you click the Legacy Tools icon) includes three types of form fields you can insert in a document: text, check box, drop-down, date etc., see more FormFieldType. Each of these form fields allows the user of the form to select or enter information of the type that you deem appropriate.
IncorrectPasswordException The exception that is thrown when specified password is incorrect.
InvalidFormatException The exception that is thrown when user tries to open some document with format-specific options that are incompatible with original document format.
License Provides methods to license the component. Learn more about licensing here.
Metered Provides methods for applying Metered license.
PasswordRequiredException The exception that is thrown when user tries to open a password-protected encrypted document of some format and doesn’t provide a password for opening this document.