Class SquigglyAnnotation

SquigglyAnnotation class

Represents squiggly annotation properties

public class SquigglyAnnotation : AnnotationBase, IEquatable<SquigglyAnnotation>, 


Name Description
SquigglyAnnotation() Initializes new instance of SquigglyAnnotation class.


Name Description
BackgroundColor { get; set; } Gets or sets squiggly annotation text background color
CreatedOn { get; set; } Gets or sets annotation creation date
FontColor { get; set; } Gets or sets squiggly annotation text font color
Id { get; set; } Gets or sets annotation unique identifier. This field is auto-incremented.
Message { get; set; } Gets or sets annotation message
Opacity { get; set; } Gets or sets squiggly annotation opacity
PageNumber { get; set; } Page number where the annotation should be located
Points { get; set; } Gets or sets collection of points that describe rectangles with text
Replies { get; set; } The list of replies (comments) attached to the annotation
SquigglyColor { get; set; } Gets or sets squiggly annotation color
StateBeforeAnnotation { get; set; } Stores the previous state of the text. State that was before annotating
Type { get; set; } Gets or sets annotation type
User { get; set; } Gets or sets annotation author


Name Description
override Clone() Returns new instance with the same values
Equals(AnnotationBase) Compares Base Annotations using IEquatable Equals method
override Equals(object) Compares squiggly annotation using standard object Equals method
Equals(SquigglyAnnotation) Compares squiggly annotation using IEquatable Equals method
override GetHashCode() Returns HashCode of the squiggly annotation


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