
Inheritance: java.lang.Object

All Implemented Interfaces: java.lang.Iterable

public final class ConstraintCollection implements Iterable

Represents a collection of constraints for a DataTable.


Method Description
get(String name) Gets the Constraint from the collection with the specified name.
get(int index) Gets the Constraint from the collection at the specified index.
add(Constraint constraint) Adds the specified Constraint object to the collection.
remove(Constraint constraint) Removes the specified Constraint from the collection.
contains(Constraint cc) Indicates whether the Constraint object specified by name exists in the collection.
getCount() Gets the total number of elements in a collection.

get(String name)

public final Constraint get(String name)

Gets the Constraint from the collection with the specified name.


Parameter Type Description
name java.lang.String The Constraint.getConstraintName() / Constraint.setConstraintName(java.lang.String) of the constraint to return.

Returns: Constraint - The Constraint with the specified name; otherwise a null value if the Constraint does not exist.

get(int index)

public final Constraint get(int index)

Gets the Constraint from the collection at the specified index.


Parameter Type Description
index int The index of the constraint to return.

Returns: Constraint - The Constraint at the specified index.

add(Constraint constraint)

public final void add(Constraint constraint)

Adds the specified Constraint object to the collection.


Parameter Type Description
constraint Constraint The Constraint to add.

remove(Constraint constraint)

public final void remove(Constraint constraint)

Removes the specified Constraint from the collection.


Parameter Type Description
constraint Constraint The Constraint to remove.

contains(Constraint cc)

public final boolean contains(Constraint cc)

Indicates whether the Constraint object specified by name exists in the collection.


Parameter Type Description
cc Constraint The Constraint to remove.

Returns: boolean - true if the collection contains the specified constraint; otherwise, false.


public final int getCount()

Gets the total number of elements in a collection.

Returns: int - The total number of elements in a collection.


public final Iterator iterator()

Returns: java.util.Iterator