
Inheritance: java.lang.Object

public class DataSet

Represents an in-memory cache of data.


Constructor Description
DataSet() Initializes a new instance of the DataSet class.
DataSet(Connection connection) Initializes a new instance of the DataSet class with data taken from Connection.
DataSet(Connection connection, String schemaName) Initializes a new instance of the DataSet class with data taken from Connection.
DataSet(String dataSetName) Initializes a new instance of a DataSet class with the given name.


Method Description
getDataSetName() Gets the name of the current DataSet.
setDataSetName(String value) Sets the name of the current DataSet.
getNamespace() Gets the namespace of the DataSet.
getTables() Gets the collection of tables contained in the DataSet.
getRelations() Get the collection of relations that link tables and allow navigation from parent tables to child tables.
clear() Clears the DataSet of any data by removing all rows in all tables.
reset() Resets the DataSet to its original state.
readXml(InputStream xmlStream, XmlReadMode mode) Reads XML schema and data into the DataSet using the specified and XmlReadMode.
readXml(InputStream xmlStream) Reads XML schema and data into the DataSet using the specified
readXml(String fileName) Reads XML schema and data into the DataSet using the specified file.
readXml(String xmlPath, XmlReadMode readMode) Reads XML schema and data into the DataSet using the specified file and XmlReadMode.
readXmlSchema(InputStream xmlStream) Reads the XML schema from the specified Stream into the DataSet.
readXmlSchema(String fileName) Reads the XML schema from the specified file into the DataSet.
setLocale(Locale locale) Sets the locale information used to compare strings within the table.
getEnforceConstraints() Gets a value indicating whether constraint rules are followed when attempting any update operation.
setEnforceConstraints(boolean value) Sets a value indicating whether constraint rules are followed when attempting any update operation.


public DataSet()

Initializes a new instance of the DataSet class.

DataSet(Connection connection)

public DataSet(Connection connection)

Initializes a new instance of the DataSet class with data taken from Connection. Tables, Relations, Constraints and Indexes will be copied into DataSet.

By default no schema name will be used.


Parameter Type Description
connection java.sql.Connection which contains DB data.

DataSet(Connection connection, String schemaName)

public DataSet(Connection connection, String schemaName)

Initializes a new instance of the DataSet class with data taken from Connection. Tables, Relations, Constraints and Indexes will be copied into DataSet.

DataSet dataSet = new DataSet(conn, "PUBLIC"); // HSQLDB


DataSet dataSet = new DataSet(conn); // MYSQL's default schema name.


Parameter Type Description
connection java.sql.Connection which contains DB data.
schemaName java.lang.String which contains the tables to be imported.

DataSet(String dataSetName)

public DataSet(String dataSetName)

Initializes a new instance of a DataSet class with the given name.


Parameter Type Description
dataSetName java.lang.String The name of the DataSet.


public String getDataSetName()

Gets the name of the current DataSet.

Returns: java.lang.String - The name of the DataSet.

setDataSetName(String value)

public void setDataSetName(String value)

Sets the name of the current DataSet.


Parameter Type Description
value java.lang.String The name of the DataSet.


public String getNamespace()

Gets the namespace of the DataSet.

Returns: java.lang.String - The namespace of the DataSet.


public DataTableCollection getTables()

Gets the collection of tables contained in the DataSet.

Returns: DataTableCollection - The DataTableCollection contained by this DataSet. An empty collection is returned if no DataTable objects exist.


public DataRelationCollection getRelations()

Get the collection of relations that link tables and allow navigation from parent tables to child tables.

Returns: DataRelationCollection - A DataRelationCollection that contains a collection of DataRelation objects. An empty collection is returned if no DataRelation objects exist.


public void close()


public void clear()

Clears the DataSet of any data by removing all rows in all tables.


public void reset()

Resets the DataSet to its original state. Subclasses should override reset() to restore a DataSet to its original state.

readXml(InputStream xmlStream, XmlReadMode mode)

public XmlReadMode readXml(InputStream xmlStream, XmlReadMode mode)

Reads XML schema and data into the DataSet using the specified and XmlReadMode.


Parameter Type Description
xmlStream The Stream from which to read.
mode XmlReadMode One of the XmlReadMode values.

Returns: XmlReadMode - The XmlReadMode used to read the data.

readXml(InputStream xmlStream)

public XmlReadMode readXml(InputStream xmlStream)

Reads XML schema and data into the DataSet using the specified The #readXml(InputStream, XmlReadMode).readXml(InputStream, XmlReadMode) method provides a way to read either data only, or both data and schema into a DataSet from an XML document, whereas the #readXmlSchema(InputStream).readXmlSchema(InputStream) method reads only the schema. To read both data and schema, use one of the readXML overloads that includes the mode parameter, and set its value to ReadSchema. If an in-line schema is specified, the in-line schema is used to extend the existing relational structure prior to loading the data. If there are any conflicts (for example, the same column in the same table defined with different data types) an exception is raised.


Parameter Type Description
xmlStream data stream

Returns: XmlReadMode - mode which was used while reading

readXml(String fileName)

public XmlReadMode readXml(String fileName)

Reads XML schema and data into the DataSet using the specified file.


Parameter Type Description
fileName java.lang.String The filename (including the path) from which to read.

Returns: XmlReadMode - The XmlReadMode used to read the data. The returned value is one of XmlReadMode constants.

readXml(String xmlPath, XmlReadMode readMode)

public XmlReadMode readXml(String xmlPath, XmlReadMode readMode)

Reads XML schema and data into the DataSet using the specified file and XmlReadMode.


Parameter Type Description
xmlPath java.lang.String the specified file
readMode XmlReadMode XmlReadMode

Returns: XmlReadMode - mode which was used while reading

readXmlSchema(InputStream xmlStream)

public void readXmlSchema(InputStream xmlStream)

Reads the XML schema from the specified Stream into the DataSet.


Parameter Type Description
xmlStream won’t be closed after the schema has been read.

readXmlSchema(String fileName)

public void readXmlSchema(String fileName)

Reads the XML schema from the specified file into the DataSet.


Parameter Type Description
fileName java.lang.String The file name (including the path) from which to read.

setLocale(Locale locale)

public void setLocale(Locale locale)

Sets the locale information used to compare strings within the table.


Parameter Type Description
locale java.util.Locale of this data set


public boolean isLocaleSpecified()

Returns: boolean - true if locale was set


public boolean getEnforceConstraints()

Gets a value indicating whether constraint rules are followed when attempting any update operation.

Returns: boolean - true if rules are enforced; otherwise false. The default is true.

setEnforceConstraints(boolean value)

public void setEnforceConstraints(boolean value)

Sets a value indicating whether constraint rules are followed when attempting any update operation.


Parameter Type Description
value boolean true if rules are enforced; otherwise false. The default is true.