
Inheritance: java.lang.Object

All Implemented Interfaces: com.groupdocs.conversion.caching.ICache

public class MemoryCache implements ICache

Memory caching behaviour. Means that cache is stored in the memory Learn moreMore about caching and optimizing conversion process performance: Caching conversion results


Constructor Description
MemoryCache() Creates new instance of MemoryCache class


Method Description
set(String key, Object value) Inserts a cache entry into the cache.
tryGetValue(String key) Gets the entry associated with this key if present.
getKeys(String filter) Returns all keys matching filter.


public MemoryCache()

Creates new instance of MemoryCache class

set(String key, Object value)

public void set(String key, Object value)

Inserts a cache entry into the cache.


Parameter Type Description
key java.lang.String A unique identifier for the cache entry.
value java.lang.Object The object to insert.

tryGetValue(String key)

public Object tryGetValue(String key)

Gets the entry associated with this key if present.


Parameter Type Description
key java.lang.String A key identifying the requested entry.

Returns: java.lang.Object - The located value or null.

getKeys(String filter)

public Iterable<String> getKeys(String filter)

Returns all keys matching filter.


Parameter Type Description
filter java.lang.String he filter to use.

Returns: java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String> - Keys matching the filter.