
Inheritance: java.lang.Object

All Implemented Interfaces: com.groupdocs.editor.formats.IDocumentFormat

public class TextualFormats implements IDocumentFormat

Encapsulates all textual (text-based) formats, including markup (XML, HTML) and others. Includes the following formats: Html, Txt, Xml. Md, Json.


Constructor Description


Field Description
Html HyperText Markup Language document (HTML) is the extension for web pages created for display in browsers.
Xml eXtensible Markup Language document (XML) that is similar to HTML but different in using tags for defining objects.
Txt Plain Text Document (TXT) represents a text document that contains plain text in the form of lines.
Md Markdown is a lightweight markup language for creating formatted text using a plain-text editor.
Json JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is an open standard file format for sharing data that uses human-readable text to store and transmit data.
Mhtml MIME encapsulation of aggregate HTML documents is a web page archive format used to combine, in a single computer file, the HTML code and its companion resources.
Chm Microsoft Compiled HTML Help is a Microsoft proprietary online help binary format, consisting of a collection of HTML pages, an index and other navigation tools.
All Returns an internal class, that provides enumerable possibilities over all existing Textual formats.


Method Description
getName() Returns a formal full name of this textual format
getExtension() Returns an extension (without leading dot character) of this textual format in lower case
getMime() Returns a MIME code for this format
toString() Returns the name of this particular format, same as ‘Name’ property
op_Equality(TextualFormats first, TextualFormats second) Checks two given TextualFormats instances on equality
op_Inequality(TextualFormats first, TextualFormats second) Checks two given TextualFormats instances on inequality
equals(TextualFormats other) Determines whether this instance is equal to the other specified TextualFormats instance
equals(IDocumentFormat other) Determines whether this instance is equal to the other specified IDocumentFormat instance
equals(Object obj) Determines whether this instance is equal to the other specified object, that is presumably of boxed TextualFormats
hashCode() Returns a hash-code, that is immutable for this instance
fromExtension(String extension) Returns instance of TextualFormats structure, associated to specified filename extension, or throws an exception, if extension cannot be properly parsed


public TextualFormats()


public static final TextualFormats Html

HyperText Markup Language document (HTML) is the extension for web pages created for display in browsers. Learn more about this file format here.


public static final TextualFormats Xml

eXtensible Markup Language document (XML) that is similar to HTML but different in using tags for defining objects. Learn more about this file format here.


public static final TextualFormats Txt

Plain Text Document (TXT) represents a text document that contains plain text in the form of lines. Learn more about this file format here.


public static final TextualFormats Md

Markdown is a lightweight markup language for creating formatted text using a plain-text editor. Learn more about this file format here.


public static final TextualFormats Json

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is an open standard file format for sharing data that uses human-readable text to store and transmit data. Learn more about this file format here.


public static final TextualFormats Mhtml

MIME encapsulation of aggregate HTML documents is a web page archive format used to combine, in a single computer file, the HTML code and its companion resources. Learn more about this file format here .


public static final TextualFormats Chm

Microsoft Compiled HTML Help is a Microsoft proprietary online help binary format, consisting of a collection of HTML pages, an index and other navigation tools. Learn more about this file format here .


public static final TextualFormats.AllEnumerable All

Returns an internal class, that provides enumerable possibilities over all existing Textual formats.


public final String getName()

Returns a formal full name of this textual format

Returns: java.lang.String


public final String getExtension()

Returns an extension (without leading dot character) of this textual format in lower case

Returns: java.lang.String


public final String getMime()

Returns a MIME code for this format

Returns: java.lang.String


public String toString()

Returns the name of this particular format, same as ‘Name’ property

Returns: java.lang.String - A String that represents this instance

op_Equality(TextualFormats first, TextualFormats second)

public static boolean op_Equality(TextualFormats first, TextualFormats second)

Checks two given TextualFormats instances on equality


Parameter Type Description
first TextualFormats First TextualFormats instance to check
second TextualFormats Second TextualFormats instance to check

Returns: boolean - True if are equal, false if are unequal

op_Inequality(TextualFormats first, TextualFormats second)

public static boolean op_Inequality(TextualFormats first, TextualFormats second)

Checks two given TextualFormats instances on inequality


Parameter Type Description
first TextualFormats First TextualFormats instance to check
second TextualFormats Second TextualFormats instance to check

Returns: boolean - True if are not equal, false if are equal

equals(TextualFormats other)

public final boolean equals(TextualFormats other)

Determines whether this instance is equal to the other specified TextualFormats instance


Parameter Type Description
other TextualFormats Other TextualFormats instance, that should be checked on equality with this

Returns: boolean - True if are equal, false if are unequal

equals(IDocumentFormat other)

public final boolean equals(IDocumentFormat other)

Determines whether this instance is equal to the other specified IDocumentFormat instance


Parameter Type Description
other IDocumentFormat Other IDocumentFormat instance. If it is not a TextualFormats, method will return ‘false’

Returns: boolean - True if are equal, false if are unequal

equals(Object obj)

public boolean equals(Object obj)

Determines whether this instance is equal to the other specified object, that is presumably of boxed TextualFormats


Parameter Type Description
obj java.lang.Object Other boxed TextualFormats instance

Returns: boolean - True if are equal, false if are unequal


public int hashCode()

Returns a hash-code, that is immutable for this instance

Returns: int - Signed 4-byte integer

fromExtension(String extension)

public static TextualFormats fromExtension(String extension)

Returns instance of TextualFormats structure, associated to specified filename extension, or throws an exception, if extension cannot be properly parsed


Parameter Type Description
extension java.lang.String Filename extension of any supportable textual format, with or without leading dot character, case-independent. Cannot be NULL or empty, should be valid.

Returns: TextualFormats - Instance of TextualFormats structure on success or thrown exception on failure