
Inheritance: java.lang.Object

All Implemented Interfaces: com.groupdocs.editor.htmlcss.css.datatypes.ICssDataType

public class Length implements ICssDataType

Represents a CSS length value in any supportable unit, including percentage and unitless type. Values may be integer or float, negative, zero and positive. Immutable structure.

This type covers the next CSS data types:




Constructor Description


Field Description
UnitlessZero Unitless integer zero - default value, the same as default parameterless constructor
OneHundredPercents 100%
FiftyPercents 50%
ZeroPercents 0%


Method Description
fromValueWithUnit(float value, byte unit) Creates and returns an instance of Length type by specified float number and unit
fromValueWithUnit(double value, byte unit) Creates and returns an instance of Length type by specified double number and unit
fromValueWithUnit(int value, byte unit) Creates and returns an instance of Length type by specified integer number and unit
isUnitlessZero() Determines whether this instance is a unitless zero or not.
isDefault() Indicates whether this Length instance has a default value \u2014 unitless zero.
getUnitType() Returns a unit type of this Length instance.
isInteger() Indicates whether the numeric value of this Length instance was originally specified and stored as an integer (INT32) number
isFloat() Indicates whether the numeric value of this Length instance was originally specified and stored as a float (FP32) number
getFloatValue() Returns a float numeric value of the Length instance.
getIntegerValue() Returns an integer numeric value of this Length instance, if it is internally stored as an integer, or throws an exception, if it was originally stored as a float number.
isAbsolute() Gets if the length is given in absolute units.
isRelative() Gets if the length is given in relative units.
isZero() Determines whether the numeric value of this length is a zero number
isNegative() Determines whether the numeric value of this length is a negative number
isPositive() Determines whether the numeric value of this length is a positive number
isUnitlessNonZero() The value has unitless type, but is not a zero - positive or negative number
toPixel() Converts the length to a number of pixels, if possible.
to(byte unit) Converts the length to the given unit, if possible.
toStringSpecified(byte unit) Returns a string representation of this length in specified unit type.
serializeDefault() Returns a string representation of this length in its original native form (as it is stored), without converting length value to some other unit type
equals(Length other) Defines whether this value is equal to the other specified length
equals(Object obj) Determines whether this length is equal to specified object
op_Multiply(Length multiplicand, int factor) Multiplicates the given Length onto the given factor
op_Equality(Length left, Length right) Checks the equality of the two given lengths.
op_Inequality(Length left, Length right) Checks the inequality of the two given lengths.
hashCode() Calculates and returns a hash-code of this Length instance by combining hash-codes of the value and unit type
deepClone() Returns a full copy of this Length instance
getUnitFromName(String unitName) Tries to parse specified unit name and return corresponding value of a Unit enum.
tryParse(String input, Length[] result) Tries to parse a specified string as a Length value, including its numeric value and unit name
parse(String input) Parses and returns specified string as a Length value, including its numeric value and unit name, or throws an exception on failure


public Length()


public static final Length UnitlessZero

Unitless integer zero - default value, the same as default parameterless constructor


public static final Length OneHundredPercents



public static final Length FiftyPercents



public static final Length ZeroPercents


fromValueWithUnit(float value, byte unit)

public static Length fromValueWithUnit(float value, byte unit)

Creates and returns an instance of Length type by specified float number and unit


Parameter Type Description
value float >Any float (FP32) number
unit byte Any valid unit type

Returns: Length - New instance of Length type

fromValueWithUnit(double value, byte unit)

public static Length fromValueWithUnit(double value, byte unit)

Creates and returns an instance of Length type by specified double number and unit


Parameter Type Description
value double Any double (FP64) number, that will be converted to float (FP32)
unit byte Any valid unit type

Returns: Length - New instance of Length type

fromValueWithUnit(int value, byte unit)

public static Length fromValueWithUnit(int value, byte unit)

Creates and returns an instance of Length type by specified integer number and unit


Parameter Type Description
value int Any integer number
unit byte Any valid unit type

Returns: Length - New instance of Length type


public final boolean isUnitlessZero()

Determines whether this instance is a unitless zero or not. Unitless zero is default value of this type. Same as IsDefault property.

Returns: boolean


public final boolean isDefault()

Indicates whether this Length instance has a default value \u2014 unitless zero. Same as IsUnitlessZero property.

Returns: boolean


public final byte getUnitType()

Returns a unit type of this Length instance.

Returns: byte


public final boolean isInteger()

Indicates whether the numeric value of this Length instance was originally specified and stored as an integer (INT32) number

Returns: boolean


public final boolean isFloat()

Indicates whether the numeric value of this Length instance was originally specified and stored as a float (FP32) number

Returns: boolean


public final float getFloatValue()

Returns a float numeric value of the Length instance. Never throws an exception - converts Integer value to Float if necessary.

Returns: float


public final int getIntegerValue()

Returns an integer numeric value of this Length instance, if it is internally stored as an integer, or throws an exception, if it was originally stored as a float number.

Returns: int


public final boolean isAbsolute()

Gets if the length is given in absolute units. Such a length may be converted to pixels.

Returns: boolean


public final boolean isRelative()

Gets if the length is given in relative units. Such a length cannot be converted to pixels.

Returns: boolean


public final boolean isZero()

Determines whether the numeric value of this length is a zero number

Returns: boolean


public final boolean isNegative()

Determines whether the numeric value of this length is a negative number

Returns: boolean


public final boolean isPositive()

Determines whether the numeric value of this length is a positive number

Returns: boolean


public final boolean isUnitlessNonZero()

The value has unitless type, but is not a zero - positive or negative number

Returns: boolean


public final float toPixel()

Converts the length to a number of pixels, if possible. If the current unit is relative, then an exception will be thrown.

Returns: float - The number of pixels represented by the current length.

to(byte unit)

public final float to(byte unit)

Converts the length to the given unit, if possible. If the current or given unit is relative, then an exception will be thrown.


Parameter Type Description
unit byte The unit to convert to.

Returns: float - The value in the given unit of the current length.

toStringSpecified(byte unit)

public final String toStringSpecified(byte unit)

Returns a string representation of this length in specified unit type. Numeric value will be converted in corresponding to unit type change.


Parameter Type Description
unit byte Specified unit, to which this instance should be converted before serializing to the string. Should be valid. Cannot be unitless.

Returns: java.lang.String - String representation


public final String serializeDefault()

Returns a string representation of this length in its original native form (as it is stored), without converting length value to some other unit type

Returns: java.lang.String - String instance

equals(Length other)

public final boolean equals(Length other)

Defines whether this value is equal to the other specified length


Parameter Type Description
other Length Other instance of Length type

Returns: boolean - True if equal, otherwise false

equals(Object obj)

public boolean equals(Object obj)

Determines whether this length is equal to specified object


Parameter Type Description
obj java.lang.Object Other instance of Length type, that is boxed to the System.Object or any other abstract type or interface

Returns: boolean - True if equal, otherwise false

op_Multiply(Length multiplicand, int factor)

public static Length op_Multiply(Length multiplicand, int factor)

Multiplicates the given Length onto the given factor


Parameter Type Description
multiplicand Length Length - multiplicand
factor int Arbitrary integer - factor

Returns: Length - A new Length - a product of multiplication

op_Equality(Length left, Length right)

public static boolean op_Equality(Length left, Length right)

Checks the equality of the two given lengths.


Parameter Type Description
left Length The left length operand.
right Length The right length operand.

Returns: boolean - True if both lengths are equal, otherwise false.

op_Inequality(Length left, Length right)

public static boolean op_Inequality(Length left, Length right)

Checks the inequality of the two given lengths.


Parameter Type Description
left Length The left length operand.
right Length The right length operand.

Returns: boolean - True if both lengths are not equal, otherwise false.


public int hashCode()

Calculates and returns a hash-code of this Length instance by combining hash-codes of the value and unit type

Returns: int - Integer number


public final Length deepClone()

Returns a full copy of this Length instance

Returns: Length - New separate instance of this Length, that is absolutely identical to this one

getUnitFromName(String unitName)

public static byte getUnitFromName(String unitName)

Tries to parse specified unit name and return corresponding value of a Unit enum. Returns Unit.Unitless if cannot find appropriate unit.


Parameter Type Description
unitName java.lang.String String, that represents a unit name

Returns: byte - Value of Unit enum in any case, Unit.Unitless when cannot find appropriate unit

tryParse(String input, Length[] result)

public static boolean tryParse(String input, Length[] result)

Tries to parse a specified string as a Length value, including its numeric value and unit name


Parameter Type Description
input java.lang.String Input string, that should be parsed
result Length[] Output parameter, that contains a result of parsing. If parsing is unsuccessful, contains a default Length value \u2014 a unitless zero.

Returns: boolean - True if parsing is successful, false if unsuccessful

parse(String input)

public static Length parse(String input)

Parses and returns specified string as a Length value, including its numeric value and unit name, or throws an exception on failure


Parameter Type Description
input java.lang.String Input string, that should be parsed

Returns: Length - Valid parsed Length instance