Mp3Audio class
Represents one audio resource of arbitrary format
public sealed class Mp3Audio : IEquatable<Mp3Audio>, IHtmlResource
Name | Description |
Mp3Audio(string, Stream) | Creates new Mp3Audio class from MP3 content, represented as byte stream, and with specified name |
Name | Description |
ByteContent { get; } | Returns content of this font as byte stream |
FilenameWithExtension { get; } | Returns correct filename of this MP3 content, which consists of name and extension. Theoretically can differ from the name. |
IsDisposed { get; } | Determines whether this MP3 content is disposed or not |
Name { get; } | Returns name of this MP3 content. Usually doesn’t contain filename extension and theoretically can differ from filename. |
TextContent { get; } | Returns content of this MP3 resource as base64-encoded string. This value is cached after first invoke. |
Type { get; } | Returns a AudioType.Mp3 |
Name | Description |
Dispose() | Disposes this MP3 resource, disposing its content and making most methods and properties non-working |
Equals(IHtmlResource) | Checks this instance with specified HTML resource on reference equality |
Equals(Mp3Audio) | Checks this instance with specified font resource on reference equality |
Save(string) | Saves this MP3 resource to the specified file |
static IsValid(Stream) | Checks whether specified stream is a valid MP3 content |
Name | Description |
event Disposed | Event, which occurs when this MP3 content is disposed |
See Also
- interface IHtmlResource
- namespace GroupDocs.Editor.HtmlCss.Resources.Audio
- assembly GroupDocs.Editor