static FromFile(string, string) |
Static factory, that creates an instance of EditableDocument from a HTML file, that is specified by a path to the *.html file itself and a folder with linked resources |
static FromMarkup(string, IEnumerable<IHtmlResource>) |
Static factory, that creates an instance of EditableDocument from specified HTML markup and a set of corresponding linked resources |
static FromMarkupAndResourceFolder(string, string) |
Static factory, that creates an instance of EditableDocument from a specified HTML markup and from resources, located in the folder, specified by the full path |
Dispose() |
Disposes this Editable document instance, disposing its content and making its methods and properties non-working |
GetBodyContent() |
Returns a body of the HTML document (inner content between opening and closing BODY tags without these tags) as a string. |
GetBodyContent(string) |
Returns a body of the HTML document (inner content between opening and closing BODY tags without these tags) as a string, where links to the external resources contain specified template with placeholders. |
GetContent() |
Returns overall content of the HTML document as a string. |
GetContent(string, string) |
Returns overall content of the HTML document as a string, where links to the external resources contain specified template with placeholders. |
GetContent<TStream>(TStream, Encoding) |
Returns overall content of the HTML document as a byte stream by writing this content into specified stream with specified text encoding |
GetCssContent() |
Returns content of all external stylesheets as a list of strings, where one string represents one stylesheet. Returns empty list, if there is no CSS for this document. |
GetCssContent(string, string) |
Returns content of all external stylesheets as a list of strings, where one string represents one stylesheet. Specified prefix will be applied to every link to the external resource in every resultant stylesheet. Returns empty list, if there is no CSS for this document. |
GetEmbeddedHtml() |
Returns all content of this HTML document with all related resources in a form of a single string, where all resources are embedded inside the HTML markup in a base64-encoded form. |
Save(string) |
Saves this HTML document to the file on specified path, where HTML markup will be stored, and to the accompanying folder with resources. |
Save(string, string) |
Saves this HTML document to the file on specified path, where HTML markup will be stored, and to the accompanying folder with resources, which is located on specified path. |
Save(TextWriter, HtmlSaveOptions) |
Saves the content of this EditableDocument as the HTML document to the specified text writer, while the second options parameter allows to customize the saving procedure and resource saving callback |