The namespace contains base classes, utility classes and interfaces used across all formats and metadata standards.


Class Description
AndSpecification Represents a composite specification that uses the logical AND operator to combine two given search specifications.
AnySpecification Represents a specification that applies no filters to a property.
ContainsTagSpecification Represents a specification that checks whether the passed property contains the specified tag.
FallsIntoCategorySpecification Represents a specification that verifies whether the passed property falls into a particular category (i.e.
NotSpecification Represents a composite specification that negates any other specification.
OfTypeSpecification Represents a specification that filters properties of a particular type.
OrSpecification Represents a composite specification that uses the logical OR operator to combine two given search specifications.
Specification Provides a base abstract class for search specifications that can be combined using logical operators.
WithNameSpecification Represents a specification that filters properties with a particular name.