
ID3V2TagFrameFlags class

Represents flags used in a ID3v2 tag frame.

public sealed class ID3V2TagFrameFlags : IEquatable<ID3V2TagFrameFlags>


Name Description
Compression { get; } Gets a value indicating whether the frame is compressed.
DataLengthIndicator { get; } Gets a value indicating whether a data length indicator has been added to the frame. The data length indicator is the value one would write as the ‘Frame length’ if all of the frame format flags were zeroed, represented as a 32 bit synchsafe integer.
Encryption { get; } Gets a value indicating whether the frame is encrypted. If set one byte indicating with which method it was encrypted will be appended to the frame header.
FileAlterPreservation { get; } Gets the flag that tells the software what to do with this frame if it is unknown and the file, excluding the tag, is altered. This does not apply when the audio is completely replaced with other audio data.
GroupingIdentity { get; } Gets a value indicating whether the frame belongs to a group of frames. If set a group identifier byte is added to the frame header. Every frame with the same group identifier belongs to the same group.
ReadOnly { get; } Gets the tag that tells the software that the contents of this frame is intended to be read-only.
TagAlterPreservation { get; } Gets the flag that tells the software what to do with this frame if it is unknown and the tag is altered in any way. This applies to all kinds of alterations, including adding more padding and reordering the frames.
Unsynchronisation { get; } Gets a value indicating whether unsynchronisation was applied to this frame.


Name Description
Equals(ID3V2TagFrameFlags) Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type.
override Equals(object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to this instance.
override GetHashCode() Returns a hash code for this instance.

See Also