GroupDocs.Comparison for .NET


Namespace Description
GroupDocs.Comparison The namespace provides classes to compare documents for all popular document formats.
GroupDocs.Comparison.Cells.Style The namespace provides classes for working with component styles in Cells format file.
GroupDocs.Comparison.Common.Delegates The namespace provides classes for creating and releasing streams used by PreviewOptions.
GroupDocs.Comparison.Common.Exceptions The namespace provides different exception classes.
GroupDocs.Comparison.Interfaces The namespace provides interfaces to instantiate output objects.
GroupDocs.Comparison.Localization The namespace provides classes checking supported locales.
GroupDocs.Comparison.Logging The namespace provides classes for working with integrated or your own logger.
GroupDocs.Comparison.Options The namespace provides classes that allows to specify additional options for documents comparison process.
GroupDocs.Comparison.Result The namespace provides classes which represents the comparison results.
GroupDocs.Comparison.Words.Revision The namespace provides classes for working with revisions in WORD format file.