
SymmetricEncryption class

Implements standard symmetric algorithms for data encryption with single key and passphrase (salt).

public sealed class SymmetricEncryption : IDataEncryption


Name Description
SymmetricEncryption(SymmetricAlgorithmType, string) Creates symmetric encryption algorithm with default passphrase
SymmetricEncryption(SymmetricAlgorithmType, string, string) Creates symmetric encryption algorithm with parameters.


Name Description
AlgorithmType { get; set; } Gets or sets type of symmetric algorithm.
Key { get; set; } Gets or sets key of encryption algorithm.
Salt { get; set; } Gets or sets passphrase of encryption algorithm.


Name Description
Decode(string) Decrypts string based on provided algorithm type, key and salt parameters
Encode(string) Encrypts string based on provided algorithm type, key and salt parameters

See Also