
TemplateTableLayout.MoveTo method

Creates a new layout with the same size, separators and position in the point.

public TemplateTableLayout MoveTo(Point point)
Parameter Type Description
point Point The position of the new layout.

Return Value

A new layout with the same size, separators and position in the point.


This functionality allows to move Table Layout.

For example, a document has tables on each page (or a set of documents with a table on the page). These tables differ by position and content, but have the same columns and rows. In this case a user can define TemplateTableLayout object at (0, 0) once and then move it to the location of the definite table.

If the table position depends on the other object of the page, a user can define TemplateTableLayout object based on template document and then move it according to an anchor object. For example, if this is a summary table and it is followed by details table (which can contain a different count of rows). In this case a user can define TemplateTableLayout object on template document (with the known details table rectangle) and then move TemplateTableLayout object according to the difference of details table rectangle of template and real document.

MoveTo method returns a copy of the current object. A user can pass any coordinates (even negative - then layout will be moved to the left/top).

// Create a table layout
TemplateTableLayout layout = new TemplateTableLayout(
    new double[] { 0, 25, 150, 180, 230 },
    new double[] { 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75 });

// Print a rectangle
Rectangle rect = layout.Rectangle;

// Prints: pos: (0, 0) size: (230, 75)
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("pos: ({0}, {1}) size: ({2}, {3})", rect.Left, rect.Top, rect.Size.Width, rect.Size.Height));

// Move layout to the definite table location
TemplateTableLayout movedLayout = layout.MoveTo(new Point(315, 250));

// Ensure that the first separators are moved:
Console.WriteLine(movedLayout.VerticalSeparators[0]); // prints: 315
Console.WriteLine(movedLayout.HorizontalSeparators[0]); // prints: 250

Rectangle movedRect = movedLayout.Rectangle;

// Prints: pos: (315, 250) size: (230, 75)
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("pos: ({0}, {1}) size: ({2}, {3})", movedRect.Left, movedRect.Top, movedRect.Size.Width, movedRect.Size.Height));

// movedLayout object is a copy of layout object, thus we can tune separators without the impact on the original layout:

Console.WriteLine(movedLayout.HorizontalSeparators.Count); // prints: 7
Console.WriteLine(layout.HorizontalSeparators.Count); // prints: 6

See Also