

Extracts tables from the document.

public IEnumerable<PageTableArea> GetTables(PageTableAreaOptions options)
Parameter Type Description
options PageTableAreaOptions The options for tables extraction.

Return Value

A collection of PageTableArea objects; null if tables extraction isn’t supported.


The following example shows how to extract tables from the whole document:

// Create an instance of Parser class
using (Parser parser = new Parser(filePath))
    // Check if the document supports table extraction
    if (!parser.Features.Tables)
        Console.WriteLine("Document isn't supports tables extraction.");
    // Create the layout of tables
    TemplateTableLayout layout = new TemplateTableLayout(
        new double[] { 50, 95, 275, 415, 485, 545 },
        new double[] { 325, 340, 365, 395 });
    // Create the options for table extraction
    PageTableAreaOptions options = new PageTableAreaOptions(layout);
    // Extract tables from the document
    IEnumerable<PageTableArea> tables = parser.GetTables(options);
    // Iterate over tables
    foreach (PageTableArea t in tables)
        // Iterate over rows
        for (int row = 0; row < t.RowCount; row++)
            // Iterate over columns
            for (int column = 0; column < t.ColumnCount; column++)
                // Get the table cell
                PageTableAreaCell cell = t[row, column];
                if (cell != null)
                    // Print the table cell text
                    Console.Write(" | ");

See Also

GetTables(int, PageTableAreaOptions)

Extracts tables from the document page.

public IEnumerable<PageTableArea> GetTables(int pageIndex, PageTableAreaOptions options)
Parameter Type Description
pageIndex Int32 The zero-based page index.
options PageTableAreaOptions The options for tables extraction.

Return Value

A collection of PageTableArea objects; null if tables extraction isn’t supported.


The following example shows how to extract tables from the document page:

// Create an instance of Parser class
using (Parser parser = new Parser(filePath))
    // Check if the document supports table extraction
    if (!parser.Features.Tables)
        Console.WriteLine("Document isn't supports tables extraction.");
    // Create the layout of tables
    TemplateTableLayout layout = new TemplateTableLayout(
        new double[] { 50, 95, 275, 415, 485, 545 },
        new double[] { 325, 340, 365, 395 });
    // Create the options for table extraction
    PageTableAreaOptions options = new PageTableAreaOptions(layout);
    // Get the document info
    IDocumentInfo documentInfo = parser.GetDocumentInfo();
    // Check if the document has pages
    if (documentInfo.PageCount == 0)
        Console.WriteLine("Document hasn't pages.");
    // Iterate over pages
    for (int pageIndex = 0; pageIndex < documentInfo.PageCount; pageIndex++)
        // Print a page number 
        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Page {0}/{1}", pageIndex + 1, documentInfo.PageCount));
        // Extract tables from the document page
        IEnumerable<PageTableArea> tables = parser.GetTables(pageIndex, options);
        // Iterate over tables
        foreach (PageTableArea t in tables)
            // Iterate over rows
            for (int row = 0; row < t.RowCount; row++)
                // Iterate over columns
                for (int column = 0; column < t.ColumnCount; column++)
                    // Get the table cell
                    PageTableAreaCell cell = t[row, column];
                    if (cell != null)
                        // Print the table cell text
                        Console.Write(" | ");

See Also