
PresentationSaveFileFormat enumeration

Defines different save file formats.

public enum PresentationSaveFileFormat


Name Value Description
Default 0 File Format will not be changed.
Pps 1 Saves the document as Microsoft Power Point 97-2003 slide show.
Ppt 2 Saves the document as Microsoft Power Point 97-2003 presentation.
Pdf 3 Saves the document in PDF format.
Xps 4 Saves the document in the XPS (XML Paper Specification) format.
Pptx 5 Saves the document in the Microsoft Power Point Open XML Presentation format.
Ppsx 6 Saves the document in the Microsoft Power Point Open XML Slide Show format.
Tiff 7 Renders a page or pages of the document and saves them into a single or multi-page TIFF file.
Odp 8 Saves the document as Open Office presentation.
Pptm 9 Saves the document as Microsoft Power Point Open XML macro-enabled presentation.
Ppsm 10 Saves the document as Microsoft Power Point Open XML macro-enabled slide show.
Potx 11 Saves the document as Microsoft Power Point template.
Potm 12 Saves the document as Microsoft Power Point macro-enabled template.
Html 14 Saves the document in the HTML Format.
Otp 17 Saves the document as Open Office presentation template.

See Also