Class | Description |
DetachedImageException | The exception that is thrown when manipulating detached image. |
EncryptionIsNotSupportedException | The exception that is thrown when content encryption is not supported. |
FontNotFoundException | The exception that is thrown when requested font is not found. |
ImageEffectsForTextWatermarkException | The exception that is thrown when [OfficeImageEffects](../com.groupdocs.watermark.contents/officeimageeffects) is supplied for [TextWatermark](../com.groupdocs.watermark.watermarks/textwatermark) . |
InvalidPasswordException | The exception that is thrown when supplied password is incorrect. |
PreviewNotSupportedException | The exception that is thrown when a preview image cannot be generated for the content. |
TextEffectsForImageWatermarkException | The exception that is thrown when [OfficeTextEffects](../com.groupdocs.watermark.contents/officetexteffects) is supplied for [ImageWatermark](../com.groupdocs.watermark.watermarks/imagewatermark) . |
UnexpectedDocumentStructureException | The exception that is thrown when a content cannot be parsed due to unexpected structure. |
UnknownLoadOptionsTypeException | The exception that is thrown when a document cannot be loaded with supplied [LoadOptions](../com.groupdocs.watermark.options/loadoptions) . |
UnknownWatermarkOptionsTypeException | The exception that is thrown when a watermark cannot be added with supplied [WatermarkOptions](../com.groupdocs.watermark.options/watermarkoptions) . |
UnsupportedFileTypeException | The exception that is thrown when a file cannot be loaded. |
WatermarkException | Represents base exception in GroupDocs.Watermark product. |