
SpreadsheetBackgroundPossibleWatermark class

Represents possible background watermark in an Excel document.

public class SpreadsheetBackgroundPossibleWatermark : PossibleWatermark


Name Description
virtual FormattedTextFragments { get; } Gets the collection of formatted text fragments of this PossibleWatermark.
override Height { get; } Gets the height of this SpreadsheetBackgroundPossibleWatermark in pixels.
ImageData { get; set; } Gets or sets the image of this PossibleWatermark.
virtual PageNumber { get; } Gets the page watermark is placed on.
override Parent { get; } Gets the parent of this SpreadsheetBackgroundPossibleWatermark.
override RotateAngle { get; } Gets the rotate angle of this SpreadsheetBackgroundPossibleWatermark in degrees.
virtual Text { get; set; } Gets or sets the text of this PossibleWatermark.
override UnitOfMeasurement { get; } Gets the unit of measurement of this SpreadsheetBackgroundPossibleWatermark.
override Width { get; } Gets the width of this SpreadsheetBackgroundPossibleWatermark in pixels.
override X { get; } Gets the horizontal offset of this SpreadsheetBackgroundPossibleWatermark from worksheet left border in pixels.
override Y { get; } Gets the vertical offset of this SpreadsheetBackgroundPossibleWatermark from worksheet top border in pixels.

See Also