
PdfFormattingOptions class

Defines Pdf formatting options.

public sealed class PdfFormattingOptions : ValueObject


Name Description
PdfFormattingOptions() The default constructor.


Name Description
CenterWindow { get; set; } Specifies whether position of the document’s window will be centered on the screen. Default: false.
Direction { get; set; } Sets reading order of text: L2R (left to right) or R2L (right to left). Default: L2R.
DisplayDocTitle { get; set; } Specifies whether document’s window title bar should display document title. Default: false.
FitWindow { get; set; } Specifies whether document window must be resized to fit the first displayed page. Default: false.
HideMenuBar { get; set; } Specifies whether menu bar should be hidden when document is active. Default: false.
HideToolBar { get; set; } Specifies whether toolbar should be hidden when document is active. Default: false.
HideWindowUI { get; set; } Specifies whether user interface elements should be hidden when document is active. Default: false.
NonFullScreenPageMode { get; set; } Sets page mode, specifying how to display the document on exiting full-screen mode.
PageLayout { get; set; } Sets page layout which shall be used when the document is opened.
PageMode { get; set; } Sets page mode, specifying how document should be displayed when opened.


Name Description
override Equals(object) Determines whether two object instances are equal.
virtual Equals(ValueObject) Determines whether two object instances are equal.
override GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function.

See Also