PdfOptions class
Options for conversion to Pdf file type.
public sealed class PdfOptions : ValueObject
Name | Description |
PdfOptions() | ctor |
Name | Description |
DocumentInfo { get; set; } | Meta information of PDF document. |
FormattingOptions { get; set; } | Pdf formatting options |
Grayscale { get; set; } | Convert a PDF from RGB colorspace to grayscale |
Linearize { get; set; } | Linearizes PDF Document for the Web |
OptimizationOptions { get; set; } | Pdf optimization options |
PdfFormat { get; set; } | Sets the pdf format of the converted document. |
RemovePdfACompliance { get; set; } | Removes Pdf-A Compliance |
Zoom { get; set; } | Specifies the zoom level in percentage. Default is 100. |
Name | Description |
override Equals(object) | Determines whether two object instances are equal. |
virtual Equals(ValueObject) | Determines whether two object instances are equal. |
override GetHashCode() | Serves as the default hash function. |
See Also
- class ValueObject
- namespace GroupDocs.Conversion.Options.Convert
- assembly GroupDocs.Conversion