
WordProcessingLoadOptions class

Options for loading WordProcessing documents.

public class WordProcessingLoadOptions : LoadOptions, IDocumentsContainerLoadOptions, 
    IMetadataLoadOptions, IPageNumberingLoadOptions, IResourceLoadingOptions


Name Description
WordProcessingLoadOptions() Initializes new instance of WordProcessingLoadOptions class.


Name Description
BookmarkOptions { get; set; } Bookmarks options
ClearBuiltInDocumentProperties { get; set; } Removes built-in metadata properties from the document.
ClearCustomDocumentProperties { get; set; } Removes custom metadata properties from the document.
CommentDisplayMode { get; set; } Specifies how comments should be displayed in the output document. Default is ShowInBalloons.
ConvertOwned { get; set; } Implements ConvertOwned Default is false
ConvertOwner { get; set; } Implements ConvertOwner Default is true
DefaultFont { get; set; } Sets the default font for a WordProcessing document.
Depth { get; set; } Implements Depth Default: 1
EmbedTrueTypeFonts { get; set; } If EmbedTrueTypeFonts is true, GroupDocs.Conversion embed true type fonts in the output document. Default: true
FontConfigSubstitutionEnabled { get; set; } Automatically substitutes missing fonts based on FontConfig in the system. Default: false.
FontInfoSubstitutionEnabled { get; set; } Automatically substitutes missing fonts based on FontInfo in the document. Default: false.
FontNameSubstitutionEnabled { get; set; } Automatically substitutes missing fonts based on the font name. Default: false.
FontSubstitutes { get; set; } Substitutes specific fonts when converting a WordsProcessing document.
Format { get; set; } Input document file type.
virtual Format { get; } Input document file type.
HideWordTrackedChanges { get; set; } Hide markup and track changes for Word documents.
HyphenationOptions { get; set; } Set hyphenation options for WordProcessing documents.
KeepDateFieldOriginalValue { get; set; } Keep original value of date field. Default: false
PageNumbering { get; set; } Enable or disable generation of page numbering in converted document. Default: false
Password { get; set; } Set password to unprotect protected document.
PreserveDocumentStructure { get; set; } Determines whether the document structure should be preserved when converting to PDF (default is false).
PreserveFormFields { get; set; } Specifies whether to preserve Microsoft Word form fields as form fields in PDF or convert them to text. Default is false.
ShowFullCommenterName { get; set; } Show full commenter name in comments. Default is false.
SkipExternalResources { get; set; } Implements SkipExternalResources
UpdateFields { get; set; } Update fields after loading. Default: false
UpdatePageLayout { get; set; } Update page layout after loading. Default: false
UseTextShaper { get; set; } Specifies whether to use a text shaper for better kerning display. Default is false.
WhitelistedResources { get; set; } Implements WhitelistedResources


Name Description
override Equals(object) Determines whether two object instances are equal.
virtual Equals(ValueObject) Determines whether two object instances are equal.
override GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function.

See Also