BookmarkOptions { get; set; } |
Bookmarks options |
ClearBuiltInDocumentProperties { get; set; } |
Removes built-in metadata properties from the document. |
ClearCustomDocumentProperties { get; set; } |
Removes custom metadata properties from the document. |
CommentDisplayMode { get; set; } |
Specifies how comments should be displayed in the output document. Default is ShowInBalloons. |
ConvertOwned { get; set; } |
Implements ConvertOwned Default is false |
ConvertOwner { get; set; } |
Implements ConvertOwner Default is true |
DefaultFont { get; set; } |
Sets the default font for a WordProcessing document. |
Depth { get; set; } |
Implements Depth Default: 1 |
EmbedTrueTypeFonts { get; set; } |
If EmbedTrueTypeFonts is true, GroupDocs.Conversion embed true type fonts in the output document. Default: true |
FontConfigSubstitutionEnabled { get; set; } |
Automatically substitutes missing fonts based on FontConfig in the system. Default: false. |
FontInfoSubstitutionEnabled { get; set; } |
Automatically substitutes missing fonts based on FontInfo in the document. Default: false. |
FontNameSubstitutionEnabled { get; set; } |
Automatically substitutes missing fonts based on the font name. Default: false. |
FontSubstitutes { get; set; } |
Substitutes specific fonts when converting a WordsProcessing document. |
Format { get; set; } |
Input document file type. |
virtual Format { get; } |
Input document file type. |
HideWordTrackedChanges { get; set; } |
Hide markup and track changes for Word documents. |
HyphenationOptions { get; set; } |
Set hyphenation options for WordProcessing documents. |
KeepDateFieldOriginalValue { get; set; } |
Keep original value of date field. Default: false |
PageNumbering { get; set; } |
Enable or disable generation of page numbering in converted document. Default: false |
Password { get; set; } |
Set password to unprotect protected document. |
PreserveDocumentStructure { get; set; } |
Determines whether the document structure should be preserved when converting to PDF (default is false). |
PreserveFormFields { get; set; } |
Specifies whether to preserve Microsoft Word form fields as form fields in PDF or convert them to text. Default is false. |
ShowFullCommenterName { get; set; } |
Show full commenter name in comments. Default is false. |
SkipExternalResources { get; set; } |
Implements SkipExternalResources |
UpdateFields { get; set; } |
Update fields after loading. Default: false |
UpdatePageLayout { get; set; } |
Update page layout after loading. Default: false |
UseTextShaper { get; set; } |
Specifies whether to use a text shaper for better kerning display. Default is false. |
WhitelistedResources { get; set; } |
Implements WhitelistedResources |