ImageSignOptions class
Represents the Image signature options.
public class ImageSignOptions : SignOptions, IAlignment, IDisposable, IRectangle, IRotation,
Name | Description |
ImageSignOptions() | Initializes a new instance of the ImageSignOptions class with default values. |
ImageSignOptions(Stream) | Initializes a new instance of the ImageSignOptions class with image stream. |
ImageSignOptions(string) | Initializes a new instance of the ImageSignOptions class with image file. |
Name | Description |
virtual AllPages { get; set; } | Put signature on all document pages. |
Appearance { get; set; } | Additional signature appearance. |
Border { get; set; } | Specify border settings |
DocumentType { get; set; } | Get or set the Document Type of the Signature Options DocumentType |
Extensions { get; } | Signature Extensions. |
HashAlgorithm { get; set; } | Gets or sets the hash algorithm to be used for cryptographic operations. Supported exclusively for digital signatures in PDF files. |
Height { get; set; } | Height of Signature on Document Page in Measure values (pixels, percents or millimeters see MeasureType SizeMeasureType). |
HorizontalAlignment { get; set; } | Horizontal alignment of signature on document page. |
ImageFilePath { get; set; } | Gets or sets the signature image file path. This property is used only if ImageStream is not specified. |
ImageStream { get; set; } | Gets or sets the signature image stream. If this property is specified it is always used instead ImageFilePath. |
virtual Left { get; set; } | Left X position of Signature on Document Page in Measure values (pixels, percents or millimeters see MeasureType LocationMeasureType). (works if horizontal alignment is not specified). |
virtual LocationMeasureType { get; set; } | Measure type (pixels, percents or millimeters) for Left and Top properties. |
virtual Margin { get; set; } | Gets or sets the space between Sign and Document edges. (works ONLY if horizontal or vertical alignment are specified). |
virtual MarginMeasureType { get; set; } | Gets or sets the measure type (pixels, percents or millimeters) for Margin. |
virtual PageNumber { get; set; } | Gets or sets document page number for signing. Minimal and default value is 1. |
virtual PagesSetup { get; set; } | Options to specify pages to be signed. |
Rectangle { get; } | Rectangle of area to put the image on document. |
RotationAngle { get; set; } | Rotation angle of signature on document page (clockwise). |
ShapePosition { get; set; } | Defines where shape should be presented in the document layout. Avaliable only for Word documents |
SignatureType { get; } | Get the Signature Type SignatureType |
virtual SizeMeasureType { get; set; } | Measure type (pixels, percents or millimeters) for Width and Height properties. |
Stretch { get; set; } | Stretch mode on Document Page. |
virtual Top { get; set; } | Top Y Position of Signature on Document Page in Measure values (pixels, percents or millimeters see MeasureType LocationMeasureType). (works if vertical alignment is not specified). |
Transparency { get; set; } | Gets or sets the signature transparency (value from 0.0 (opaque) through 1.0 (clear)). Default value is 0 (opaque). |
VerticalAlignment { get; set; } | Vertical alignment of signature on document page. |
Width { get; set; } | Width of Signature on Document Page in Measure values (pixels, percents or millimeters MeasureType SizeMeasureType). |
ZOrder { get; set; } | Gets or sets the Z-order position of text signature. Determines the display order of overlapping signatures. |
Name | Description |
static FromBase64(string) | Creates a new instance of the ImageSignOptions class with predefined Image from Base64. |
Dispose() | Clears internal resources |
Learn more
- Basic usage of creating Image electronic signature by GroupDocs.Signature: How to eSign document with Image signature
- Advanced usage of settings of Image electronic signature with GroupDocs.Signature: Advanced usage to eSign document with Image signature and additional settings
See Also
- class SignOptions
- interface IAlignment
- interface IRectangle
- interface IRotation
- interface ITransparency
- namespace GroupDocs.Signature.Options
- assembly GroupDocs.Signature