
Template class

Provides the document template. It consists of TemplateItem objects which represent the items of the template such as text field and table definitions.

public sealed class Template : IEnumerable<TemplateItem>


Name Description
Template(IEnumerable<TemplateItem>) Initializes a new instance of the Template class.
Template(IEnumerable<TemplateItem>, TemplateOptions) Initializes a new instance of the Template class with template options.


Name Description
Count { get; } Gets the total number of template items.
IsOcrCompatible { get; } Gets the value that indicates whether the template is compatible with OCR.
Item { get; } Gets the template item by an index.
Options { get; } Gets the template options.


Name Description
static Load(Stream) Loads a template from a stream.
static Load(string) Loads a template from a file.
GetEnumerator() Returns an enumerator for template items.
Save(Stream) Saves a template to a stream.
Save(string) Saves a template to a file.


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See Also