The namespace provides classes for working with document representation.
Class | Description |
Background | Represents background appearance |
BarcodeSignature | Contains Barcode Signature properties. |
BarcodeType | Specifies Barcode type properties. |
BarcodeTypes | Barcode Types container. |
BaseSignature | Describes base class for signatures. |
Border | Represents border appearance |
CertificateMetadataSignature | Contains Certificate Metadata Signature properties. |
CheckboxFormFieldSignature | Contains check-box input form field signature properties. |
ComboboxFormFieldSignature | Contains combo-box input form field signature properties. |
Corners | Represents corners of a square graphical object. |
DeleteResult | Result of signature(s) deletion from the document. |
DigitalFormFieldSignature | Contains digital signature input form field properties for Pdf Documents. |
DigitalSignature | Contains Digital signature properties. |
DocumentInfo | Defines document description properties. |
DocumentResultSignature | Result of processing archive document signing process for document with newly created signatures. |
FileType | Represents file type. |
FormFieldSignature | Contains Form field signature properties. |
ImageMetadataSignature | Contains Image Metadata signature properties. |
ImageSignature | Contains Image signature properties. |
MetadataSignature | Contains Metadata signature properties. |
MetadataSignatureCollection | Collection of Metadata signature objects. |
Padding | Represents padding or margin information associated with element. |
PageInfo | Document page description class |
PdfDigitalSignature | Contains Pdf Digital signature properties. |
PdfMetadataSignature | Contains Pdf Metadata signature properties. |
PdfMetadataSignatures | Contains standard Metadata signatures to be used for Pdf document Metadata Signature Options. |
PresentationMetadataSignature | Contains Presentation metadata signature properties. |
ProcessLog | Represents document process details. |
QrCodeSignature | Contains QR-code signature properties. |
QrCodeType | Specify QRCode type properties. |
QrCodeTypes | QRCode Types container. |
RadioButtonFormFieldSignature | Contains radio-button input form field signature properties. |
SearchResult | Result of searching for signatures in specified document. |
SignatureFont | Creates instance of SignatureFont class to specify Font properties. |
SignResult | Result of signing process for document with newly created signatures. |
SpreadsheetMetadataSignature | Contains Spreadsheet Metadata Signature properties. |
SquareBorder | Instance to keep Border line properties for square stamp line. |
StampLine | Specify Stamp line properties. |
StampType | Specify stamp type properties. |
StampTypes | Stamp types container. |
TextFormFieldSignature | Contains text input form field signature properties for Pdf Document |
TextSignature | Contains Text signature properties. |
UpdateResult | Result of modification of signatures in the document. |
VerificationResult | Instance to keep results of verification process. |
WordProcessingMetadataSignature | Contains WordProcessing Metadata Signature properties. |
Structure | Description |
TimeStamp | Represents data to get time stamp from third-party site. |
Interface | Description |
IAlignment | Describes signature area alignment on a document page. |
IDocumentInfo | Defines document description properties. |
IRectangle | Defines interface properties for signature area on a document page. |
IResult | Common interface for signature process result. |
IRotation | Defines properties for signature rotation. |
ITextAlignment | Defines alignment properties for text on text signatures. |
ITransparency | Define Transparency property for different objects appearances |
Enumeration | Description |
CodeTextAlignment | Alignment of code text for Barcodes and QR-codes. |
DashStyle | Represents style of dash drawing lines on documents. |
DocumentType | Defines the Document type. |
FormFieldType | Specifies Form Field type. |
FormTextFieldType | Defines types of text for WordsProcessing document form fields. |
HashAlgorithm | Specifies the hash algorithm used for cryptographic signing. |
HorizontalAlignment | Specifies horizontal alignment of element on a document page. |
ImageSaveFileFormat | Defines different save file formats. |
MeasureType | Specifies measure units of signature on a document page. |
MetadataType | Specifies the supported Metadata signature data type of the value. |
PdfDigitalSignatureType | Describes enumeration of PDF digital signature type. |
PdfSaveFileFormat | Defines different save file formats. |
PdfTextAnnotationBorderEffect | Describes effect which should be applied to the border of the PDF text annotations. |
PdfTextStickerIcon | Describes enumeration of PDF Text annotation sticker icon appearance. |
PdfTextStickerState | Describes enumeration of PDF text annotation sticker states. |
PresentationSaveFileFormat | Defines different save file formats. |
ProcessStatus | Specifies status of signing and verification processes. |
ProcessType | Defines supported process with documents like Info, Preview, Sign, Verify, Search, Update, Delete |
ShapePosition | Specifies shape position in the document layout |
SignatureType | Defines supported types of signatures for various processes like Sign, Verify, Search, Update, Delete |
SpreadsheetSaveFileFormat | Defines different save formats for Spreadsheet documents. |
StampBackgroundCropType | Specifies crop type of background layer on Stamp elements. |
StampTextRepeatType | Specifies type of text repeat for stamp lines. |
StretchMode | Represents stretch mode of signature area on a document page. |
TextHorizontalAlignment | Specifies text horizontal alignment inside a signature. |
TextMatchType | Specifies text match type in string. |
TextShapeType | Specifies types of text shapes. |
TextSignatureImplementation | Specifies type of implementation for PDF text signature. |
TextVerticalAlignment | Specifies text vertical alignment inside a signature. |
VerticalAlignment | Specifies vertical alignment of element on a document page. |
WordProcessingSaveFileFormat | Defines different save file formats for WordProcessing documents. |
WordProcessingTextSignatureImplementation | Specifies type of text signature implementation for WordProcessing documents. |
XAdESType | Type of XML Advanced Electronic Signature (XAdES). |