
BarcodeSignOptions class

Represents the Barcode signature options.

public class BarcodeSignOptions : TextSignOptions


Name Description
BarcodeSignOptions() Initializes a new instance of the BarcodeSignOptions class with default values.
BarcodeSignOptions(string) Initializes a new instance of the BarcodeSignOptions class with text.
BarcodeSignOptions(string, BarcodeType) Initializes a new instance of the BarcodeSignOptions class with text.


Name Description
virtual AllPages { get; set; } Put signature on all document pages.
Appearance { get; set; } Additional signature appearance.
Background { get; set; } Gets or sets the signature background settings.
Border { get; set; } Specify border settings
CodeTextAlignment { get; set; } Gets or sets the alignment of text in the result Barcode image. Default value is None.
DocumentType { get; set; } Get or set the Document Type of the Signature Options DocumentType
EncodeType { get; set; } Gets or sets Barcode type.
Extensions { get; } Signature Extensions.
Font { get; set; } Gets or sets the font of signature.
override ForeColor { get; set; } Gets or sets the Fore color of Barcode bars Using of this property could cause problems with verification. Use it carefully.
FormTextFieldTitle { get; set; } Gets or sets the title of text form field to put text signature into it. This property could be used only with SignatureImplementation = TextToFormField.
FormTextFieldType { get; set; } Gets or sets the type of form field to put text signature into it. This property could be used only with SignatureImplementation = TextToFormField. Value by default is AllTextTypes.
HashAlgorithm { get; set; } Gets or sets the hash algorithm to be used for cryptographic operations. Supported exclusively for digital signatures in PDF files.
Height { get; set; } Height of Signature on Document Page in Measure values (pixels, percents or millimeters see MeasureType SizeMeasureType property).
HorizontalAlignment { get; set; } Horizontal alignment of signature on document page.
InnerMargins { get; set; } Gets or sets the space between Barcode elements and result image borders.
Left { get; set; } Left X position of Signature on Document Page in Measure values (pixels, percents or millimeters see MeasureType LocationMeasureType property). (works if horizontal alignment is not specified).
virtual LocationMeasureType { get; set; } Measure type (pixels, percents or millimeters) for Left and Top properties.
virtual Margin { get; set; } Gets or sets the space between Sign and Document edges. (works ONLY if horizontal or vertical alignment are specified).
virtual MarginMeasureType { get; set; } Gets or sets the measure type (pixels, percents or millimeters) for Margin.
Native { get; set; } Gets or sets the native attribute. If it is set document specific signatures could be used. Native text watermark for WordProcessing documents is different than regular, for example.
virtual PageNumber { get; set; } Gets or sets document page number for signing. Minimal and default value is 1.
virtual PagesSetup { get; set; } Options to specify pages to be signed.
ReturnContent { get; set; } Gets or sets flag to get Barcode image content of a signature which was put on document page. If this flag is set true, Barcode signature image content will keep raw image data by required format ReturnContentType. By default this option is disabled.
ReturnContentType { get; set; } Specifies file type of returned image content of the Barcode signature when ReturnContent property is enabled. By default it set to Null. That means to return Barcode image content in original format. This image format is specified at Format Possible supported values are: FileType.JPEG, FileType.PNG, FileType.BMP. If provided format is not supported than Barcode image content in .png format will be returned.
RotationAngle { get; set; } Rotation angle of signature on document page (clockwise).
ShapePosition { get; set; } Defines where shape should be presented in the document layout. Avaliable only for Word documents
ShapeType { get; set; } Gets or sets the type of shape to put text. This property could be used only with SignatureImplementation = TextStamp. Value by default is Rectangle.
SignatureID { get; set; } Gets or sets the unique ID of signature. It can be used in signature verification options. Property is supported for Pdf documents only.
SignatureImplementation { get; set; } Gets or sets the type of text signature implementation.
SignatureType { get; } Get the Signature Type SignatureType
virtual SizeMeasureType { get; set; } Measure type (pixels, percents or millimeters) for Width and Height properties.
Stretch { get; set; } Stretch mode on Document Page.
Text { get; set; } Gets or sets the text of signature.
TextHorizontalAlignment { get; set; } Horizontal alignment of text inside a signature. This feature is supported only for Image and Annotation signature implementations (see TextSignatureImplementation SignatureImplementation property).
TextVerticalAlignment { get; set; } Vertical alignment of text inside a signature. This feature is supported only for Image signature implementation (see TextSignatureImplementation SignatureImplementation property).
Top { get; set; } Top Y Position of Signature on Document Page in Measure values (pixels, percents or millimeters see MeasureType LocationMeasureType property). (works if vertical alignment is not specified).
Transparency { get; set; } Gets or sets the signature transparency (value from 0.0 (opaque) through 1.0 (clear)). Default value is 0 (opaque).
VerticalAlignment { get; set; } Vertical alignment of signature on document page.
Width { get; set; } Width of Signature on Document Page in Measure values (pixels, percents or millimeters see MeasureType SizeMeasureType property).
ZOrder { get; set; } Gets or sets the Z-order position of text signature. Determines the display order of overlapping signatures.


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